Friday, November 5, 2010


Hey! I've got a really busy weekend lined out, but I'm planning on hitting up a couple of new boxes in the coming week and decided to leave a short list here as a quick note mostly to myself. I'm also curious to see what anybody would be interested in seeing me post on. The history and etiquette of letterboxing? Maybe related hobbies like geocaching, or sharing some of my stamped ATCs and cards and talking about the techniques I use with them? I work in retail, so I'm going to be super busy over a good part of the winter and won't have as much time to get bundled up and go out hunting, so I'm trying to plan out some other posts I can do while hiding from the snow and obnoxious customers.

I'm definitely going to be plotting out planting a box, or maybe a series of boxes myself, but I haven't decided on a theme and I want to find a good hiding spot that isn't treading on somebody else's plant site. I'd like to do something with a gothic theme which shouldn't really come as a shock to anyone, but I don't want it to be a lame card-store Halloween type look. I keep picturing this skull wrapped by an elaborately patterned bow, and I'm going to kick myself when it actually comes time to carve it. I am totally open to thoughts and suggestions.


  1. Not sure, but whatever you choose I'm sure will be awesome. Awesome blog, you got a new follower!

  2. Yllsa, you can read my first post for a basic, not terribly good explanation of letterboxing.

    Thanks for the follows, both of you!

  3. Hunting for art in all the wrong places.

    nice blog title you ahve there
